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Aparna Constructions Trusts Ramco ERP


Ramco Helps Aparna Constructions Build a Stronger Business

Aparna Constructions and Estate Pvt. Ltd. (ACEPL) is one of the most reputed and leading real estate developers in Hyderabad and Aparna Sarovar, their flagship project is one of the best-gated communities in the city. Having already completed 20 projects in a commendable and timely fashion, they have successfully received several quality certifications including ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, and OHSAS 18001:2007. They have also received awards from the QIC and IGBC for one of their key projects, Sarovar Grande.

The successful four-company group was however facing some hassles on the business front, due to the independent functioning of various departments. Here is how they set it all right with Ramco…

Book Maintenance & Reporting Hassles

Despite being a strong force in the construction business, ACEPL faced various issues in running its business:

  • Each department was maintaining independent books
  • This resulted in data duplication and redundancy
  • An unjustifiably huge effort was going into reconciliation
  • Preparation of Management Information System (MIS) reports for the senior management was also troublesome and ineffective

Remedying the Situation with Ramco

Fixing these problems required an integrated business solution that could cover their specific and dynamic business requirements. Ramco provided them with a best-fit solution comprising:

  • Ramco’s Integrated RES and Project Management Modules
  • Custom-developed tools that cater to some of their specific requirements
  • An Integrated Labor Billing solution to address all kinds of labor costs/jobs associated with any task/ activity of the project, with online tracking of daily wage labor and jobs accomplished
  • Ability to compare quotations, with multiple negotiations for value, payment terms, and other parameters

A Strong Foundation for a Successful Future

Ramco effectively implemented a best-fit solution for ACEPL and in the absence of dedicated user champions, they also took up continuous and exhaustive training of 70+ active users across modules, in a span of six months. Consequentially, the client began to notice significant improvements in the functioning of their business:

  • They got rid of many manual processes across departments
  • Stocks, billing, reporting, and collection information were efficiently maintained online.
  • Sales booking and allotments became notably effective

Ramco: The Right Choice

Having tried Oracle earlier and failed in the initiative, ACEPL decided to move to Ramco ERP, convinced about getting the best fitment at a competitive price. Ramco’s inherent strengths, such as the following, also influenced their decision:

  • On Cloud offering: This gives the client not just mobility but also flexibility in terms of configurations. There is also a clear price advantage vis-à-vis on-Premise options, because of savings on infrastructure, hardware, database, manpower, etc.
  • Ease of use: Ramco’s solutions are known for state-of-the-art functionality that is absolutely easy to use.
  • Quick implementation: Ramco specializes in timely implementations, along with quick and effective training of users, which makes the new solution functional in the quickest possible timeframe.
  • M.U.S.I.C: Mobility, User interface, Social media, In-memory capabilities, and Context sensitivity are woven into the fabric of Ramco’s solution

Ramco Helps Aparna Constructions Build a Stronger Business


It is not only business but also a bucket of trust that organizations have in Ramco! We would love to write your success stories and your trust is all we seek.

Please give us a shout and we will be happy to help.

Mail: contact@ramco.com

Web: www.ramco.com/erp

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