Emerging Technologies are as good as the invested leaders behind them

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Emerging Technologies are as good as the invested leaders behind them

Brewing Innovation: Ramco Hosts Coffee Connect with Industry Leaders


In the world of transport and logistics, nothing gets ideas flowing like good coffee and great company. That’s exactly what happened at the latest Ramco-hosted Coffee Connect event, where industry leaders and caffeine addicts alike gathered to tackle some of today’s most pressing challenges. Among the VIPs sharing their wisdom were Rohan Soans Peter Clarke David Ritchie , and Marie Varrasso —each bringing their A-game and, dare we say, some pretty strong opinions (and we're not just talking about their coffee preferences).


Our panel SME Peter Clarke, who brought a more grounded (pun intended) take on how transport businesses are adapting to real-life challenges like rising fuel costs, sustainability pressures, and the ever-looming threat of supply chain disruptions. “It’s a bit like trying to steer a ship through a storm while someone keeps changing the map,” he said, summing up the current state of global logistics. He shared strategies businesses are using to stay afloat, like optimizing fleet operations and adopting electric vehicles—not just for the sake of the planet, but because, as Peter put it, “green is the new black... and also cheaper in the long run!”


When the Going Gets Tough, Call David Ritchie

  David Ritchie , known for his expertise in large-scale operations, spoke next. He delivered a no-nonsense breakdown of how businesses can leverage data to combat logistical challenges. “In this industry, data is your best friend... or your worst enemy if you ignore it,” he said. His take? The companies winning in logistics today are the ones that use data to stay two steps ahead of problems. He went on to share a story about one company that identified a bottleneck in their operations by analysing delivery data—and fixed it by simply rearranging their loading docks. “Sometimes the solutions are right under your nose,” David said with a smile.


Marie Varrasso’s Take on People Power

Rounding out the panel was Marie Varrasso , who brought some much-needed focus on the human side of logistics. “All this talk about tech is great, but let’s not forget who’s behind the wheel—literally,” she said. Marie emphasized the importance of empowering teams and fostering resilience in the face of rapid change. “At the end of the day, it’s not the fancy tools that make or break a business—it’s the people who use them.” She went on to share how companies are investing in upskilling their workforce, ensuring that they can keep up with the ever-evolving demands of the industry.


A Shot of Humor to Finish

The Q&A session that followed was anything but dry, with one attendee asking even with our technology is our key processes a key to driving efficiencies and do we know what they are? Peter remarking that while the future of logistics may be uncertain, the key to survival is adaptability—and, of course, a good cup of coffee.


The Bottom Line

As the event wound down and the caffeine buzz started to fade, one thing was clear: the transport and logistics industry is navigating complex waters, but with leaders like Rohan, Peter, David, and Marie steering the ship, it’s in good hands. Ramco’s Coffee Connect was a reminder that while we may face challenges, we can tackle them with innovation, resilience, and—when needed—a healthy dose of humor.